FN Herstal working with the US Army

to improve training using new technologies and its legacy weapon training know-how

The requirement:

Soldier marksmanship is the foundation of all armies. Modern professional armies expend a lot of time, effort and money to train soldiers to shoot well. Historically, accurately measuring individual soldier marksmanship proficiency has been difficult. The US Army trains approximately 60,000 new recruits, annually. The Army needs an accurate way to measure shooter mechanics, which translates to effective marksmanship training, yielding competent soldiers as fast as possible.

Enter FN Herstal:

FN Herstal is a world leader in supporting soldier training. We have been collaborating with the US Army to tailor modern digital technologies to deliver accurate soldier marksmanship metrics during training. In a series of marksmanship training events, FN has employed the FN VictoR® marksmanship training system to capture data validating metrics and creating predictive assessment of future soldier performance. The objective is to measurably improve soldier skill levels, more quickly, and for lower cost. FN is extending the software of its new marksmanship training system to match US Army training needs so that it will yield competent, confident soldiers who can fight and win on the modern battlefield.

How FN collaborates:

FN is working with the US Army to prove that the FN VictoR® marksmanship training system supports measurable improvement in soldier proficiency. Data collections events are being executed at the US Military Academy, West Point, and are planned at other army installations where initial entry training occurs. Individual marksmanship data will be captured, validated, and used to enhance tailored training which measurably improves training outcomes. Training assessment is tailored at an individual soldier level, identifying the specific elements of shooter-mechanics where remedial training should focus. In addition, individual marksmanship assessments are being leveraged to predict future training (qualification) outcomes. As a result, marksmanship training becomes measurable, focused on specific priorities, and reduces the cost of future training. Soldiers become more competent and confident, while leaders have an accurate assessment of training.